Prot Pal 3.3 Dmg Stats
Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Each rotation list is more of a 'priority list'--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. Out of all abilities you have available, use the one highest up in the priority list.
Execute this priority to build threat and deal damage when focusing on one target.
- Consecration maintained at all times.
- Judgment on cooldown to further reduce the cooldown of Shield of the Righteous.
- Avenger's Shield whenever available. Watch for Grand Crusader procs.
- Hammer of the Righteous or Blessed Hammer when available.
- Consecration as a filler ability.
Active Mitigation: Consume Holy Power with these skills to mitigate damage.
- Shield of the Righteous to reduce damage taken.
- Light of the Protector as needed for self-healing.
1 Introduction 2 Easy Mode 3 Spell Summary 4 Builds and Talents 5 Azerite Traits and Armor 6 Essences 7 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 8 Mythic+ Tips 9 Ny'alotha as Protection Paladin 10 The Eternal Palace as Protection Paladin 11 Stat Priority 12 Gems, Enchants, and Consumables 13 Macros and Addons 14 Gear and Best in Slot 15 Simulations 16 How to Improve 17 Frequently Asked Questions. Stats Gear Consumables Simulations Correcting Mistakes Mythic+ NEW Ny'alotha Tips Macros & Addons WeakAuras Common Terms About the Author This guide is written by Liminara, a Protection Paladin theorycrafter, and a moderator in Hammer of Wrath Paladin discord. You can catch him online on Twitter and streaming on Twitch.
Remember to use Light of the Protector as often as possible for a potent self-heal, especially while standing in Consecration. Shield of the Righteous is your primary mitigation ability and should be used whenever you have 2+ charges.
- Consecration on cooldown.
- Avenger's Shield whenever available. Watch for Grand Crusader procs.
- Hammer of the Righteous while standing in Consecration.
- Judgment on cooldown.
Prot Pal 3.3 Dmg Stats 2017
Remember to stand in Consecration to buff your Hammer of the Righteous or Blessed Hammer as often as possible while executing the rest of the AoE rotation.
- Avenging Wrath Use as needed for burst damage and threat.
- Ardent Defender Use before receiving life threatening amounts of damage.
- Divine Protection Use before receiving a high amount of magic damage.
- Divine Shield Use as needed to reduce incoming damage.
- Guardian of Ancient Kings Use before receiving a large amount of damage.
- Lay on Hands Large survival cooldown. Coordinate with healers.
- Hand of Reckoning Use to establish threat on targets not attacking you.
The below Stat Priority recommendations are designed to optimize damage output for most character setups. While the most accurate stat priority comes from simulating your own character with proper settings, you can still use this stat priority to simplify decisions on gear choices and consumables.
Strength > Haste >= Crit >= Versatility >= Mastery
Strength increases your attack power and the damage dealt by your abilities.
Haste increases attack and spell casting speed, adds additional damage and healing to DoTs and HoTs, and reduces the GCD.
Critical Strike increase the chance for your spells and attacks to critically hit for additional damage and healing.
Mastery provides a passive bonus to your character based on your specialization. Mastery: Hand of Light increases all Holy damage done.
Versatility increases your damage, healing, and absorption done and decreases damage received.
Strength (7.57) > Haste (4.6) >= Crit (4.59) >= Versatility (4.58) >= Mastery (4.57)
Prot Stat Weights

Prot Pal 3.3 Dmg Stats 2016
( Pawn: v1: 'NoxxicRetributionPaladinPvE': Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, Strength=7.57, HasteRating=4.6, CritRating=4.59, Versatility=4.58, MasteryRating=4.57)