League Of Legends How Much Dmg Does Sorc Shoes Give
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Mar 13, 2011 Sorcerer's Shoes + Blasting Wand (now its time for some early game dmg, sorc shoes give you nice amount of spell pen and blasting wand gives you just enough ability power for dmg. Aug 12, 2014 Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'.
League Of Legends How Much Dmg Does Sorc Shoes Give Away
Mid lane is like a dance. If your jungler wants to gank mid, AA the enemy champ and be sure to be near enough to get minion aggro, walk back to your turret and repeat until mid lane is force pushed into your tower. This is your one shot to have a successful gank.
If it fails, YOUR lane will push. It is a double edge tactic but if your jungler is good, it will be well worth it and you will have a minion army to push tower. In most cases the tower will either go down if the jungler stays and pushed, or you will get it to half hp or so before lane resets.
The key to mid lane is mana management and last hitting. Do not spam your skills if your a mana champ, only do that when ganking. Do not waste your ignite for no reason. keep in mind how much dmg it does. Use it when the hp falls below that amount. The enemies HP5 can save them from ignite if used too early.
Buy wards on your first trip back. 2 is the very minimum.
I know buying the dorans ring can be tempting, but forget it. buy boots and pots. rush the sorc shoes. The dmg gain from the shoes is very very noticeable. Mainly becuase your pretty much doing true dmg in most cases. This helps in determining if you should go for a kill by doing math.
The extra move speed can save your life from a gank and dodge skill shots.
The extra 100 hp is nice, but it should not be *needed* if your dodging correctly and not over extending for their jungler, The AP is decent early game, but the dmg gain is out weighed by sorc shoes dmg gain. The MP5 is awesome, but with proper mana management, you won't have a need for it.
Some good practice tips: Learn how to dodge skill shots. Use minions as your shield. If the enemy champ can;t make a clear shot at you, you will not have to worry about skill shots. Learn the range of common mid champs and their CD's. This will let you know what is your window of opportunity to either harass or to zone out the enemy champ of a few creep exp.
Take a look at the ground. See the line that goes from green to brown near your turret? That is it's attack range. Keep that in mind if you plan on pushing a champ into their tower or if they push into yours.
Keep an eye on the other two lanes. Mid lane is great as it gives you the chance to gank either one. Don't be afraid to gank.
Welp, that's all I got to help you get started. The rest is stuff you have to find out. Much like riding a bike. Your parents can tell you how to ride it, but to actually learn it, you have to find out how by your self.
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