Best Google Task App For Mac
If there is one lie that we all tell ourselves, it's that we don’t need to write it down, we will remember it on our own. Nope. Sooner you understand it, the better. Come on! It’s 2018. You don’t actually have to look for a paper and pen. The best task management app is in your pocket: Your phone.
You can use your phone to jot down things quickly with the help of to-do list apps such as Microsoft To-Do, Todoist, etc. These apps are easy to use and save time.
Last week, Google launched a standalone app for its Tasks feature. The app goes by the name 'Google Tasks: Any Task, Any Goal. Get Things Done'. It's basically Google Tasks, don't know why all apps have to add a bunch of mumbo jumbo to their names on Play Store.
Google Home App For Mac
Anyway, since I am a regular user of the Microsoft To-Do app, I decided to give Google Tasks a shot and see if it's good enough to replace the former.
Let the comparison begin!
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about gTasks - Tasks for Google. Download gTasks - Tasks for Google for macOS 10.10 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. Jan 03, 2019 Best to-do list apps of 2019 for managing tasks for the Mac The best to-do list apps for MacOS will help you organize your tasks and lists, get event reminders, and collaborate on projects with. Jan 06, 2020 It also syncs with your Mac's built-in Reminders app so you can keep track of daily tasks while making sure you aren't late to any appointments. Best Cal organizer: BusyCal 3 BusyCal 3 has a great setup feature: It automatically syncs up with the accounts you have stored in the Mail app on Mac.
App Size
The new Google Tasks app is half the size of Microsoft To-Do. While Google Tasks weighs 4-5MB, Microsoft To-Do ranges between 9-10MB.
Get more done with Google Tasks. Manage, capture, and edit your tasks from anywhere, at anytime, with to-dos that sync across all your devices. Integrations with Gmail and Google Calendar help you get tasks done—faster. Quickly capture tasks anywhere. Create task lists with your most important to. Erik Eckel recommends the five best apps that he has found for doing task management on Macs. Despite all the Apple versus Microsoft, OS X versus Windows, iOS versus Android and similar debates about who does it better, productivity always comes down to actually getting things done. Feb 08, 2013 5 Best Apps for Getting and Staying Organized. There’s a pretty good Google Tasks list manager built in. Mind maps are automatically shared between the Mac and the iPad apps, and it’s. Jan 07, 2020 New apps are published every day, making it hard to find the best of the best — which is where we come in. We've gathered the best free apps for the Mac, all in one place so you don't have to go digging. My criteria for apps on this list. In researching the best free apps for the Mac, I started by using Apple's category list.
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Download Google TasksDownload Microsoft To-DoCross Platform
Microsoft To-Do has been in the game for over a year. The popular Wunderlist app had to die to give way to Microsoft To-Do. It is now available on Android, iOS, Windows, and has a web version as well. However, the tool lacks a Chrome extension.
On the other hand, Google Tasks is available on Android and iOS only. There is a web version too, but that looks outdated.
Currently, it doesn’t have a standalone Windows app. To access it on the desktop, you’ll have to use the Gmail website or the web version. In the old Gmail design, it was kind of buried down on the left side but in the revamped Gmail, you can find it on the panel at the right.
You can also access Google Tasks from the Chrome extension. However, it’s not as modern as one would expect it to be. But it works fine. We hope Google updates it soon.
User Interface
Google has incorporated yet-to-be-announced Material Design 2 in Google Tasks. It’s white. All white. Ugh! Just to prepare you for the upcoming wrath, all the Google apps will have a similar white-ish design soon.
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And yes, there is no top bar in Google Tasks. It has moved to the bottom. So, all your settings and navigation drawer can now be accessed from the bottom.
On the other hand, Microsoft To-Do follows the traditional top menus. You can access the navigation drawer by swiping too. Strangely, swipe doesn’t work in Google Tasks. It could be because of the Material Design 2.
When you launch Microsoft To-Do, you are taken to the My Day screen where you can see all your tasks for the day. Google Tasks doesn’t have a My Day feature. It takes you directly to a list known as My Tasks.
To add new to-dos, you will find the floating add icon in the Microsoft app. However, in Google Tasks, there is no floating button. A big 'Add a new task' button is present at the bottom.
Another difference that I noticed is that you can save the to-dos by pressing the enter button in the Microsoft app. This feels more natural. In case of Google, you have to tap the Save button. But to be fair to Google, it lets you add additional details to your tasks right from the add screen itself, which is not the case with Microsoft.
Themes and Color Code
The Microsoft To-Do app comes with themes and color-coding. You can assign different colors and themes to various lists. Currently, Google Tasks doesn’t support themes.

While both the apps let you add subtasks or sub-lists, there are some differences. Similar to the normal tasks, you have to tap the Add subtasks button every time you want to add a subtask in Google Tasks. Thankfully, you can just hit enter while adding new sub-lists in the Microsoft app or 'steps', as Microsoft calls them.
Further, in Google Tasks the subtasks are also visible on the main screen. In case of Microsoft, it shows you the number of subtasks but not the actual content.
Again, both the apps let you add notes to each task individually. There isn’t much difference but similar to the subtasks, Google Tasks shows the note content on the main screen as well. The Microsoft app only shows a small note icon next to the list item.
Further, in Google Tasks you can add notes to subtasks. This feature is not present in the Microsoft app. Strangely though, there is a limitation in the Google Tasks feature. You cannot add notes in subtasks while creating them. You have to add them from the main app screen after creating them. Not good!
Due Date and Reminders
Google Tasks doesn’t support time-based reminders for some reason. Yes, you can set a due date but that’s it. You can’t set specific times, currently. On the other hand, Microsoft lets you add a due date and time-based reminders in its app.
Completed To-Dos
Both the apps let you complete the to-do by tapping the small round icon next to each task. However, Google Tasks also supports swipe gesture. You can swipe right on any task to complete it.
While Google Tasks automatically hides the completed tasks in the Completed list at the bottom of each list, Microsoft shows all the completed tasks. You have to enable Hide completed tasks in the settings to hide them for each list separately.
Search is another feature that is currently missing in the Google Tasks app. Thankfully, Microsoft lets you search for tasks, sub-tasks, and notes. Interestingly, it also supports hashtags in notes.
For instance, if you add a hashtag such as #article in a note, then once you tap the hashtag it will show all the tasks that have #article in them.
Natural Language and Recurring Tasks
Both the apps lack natural language support and the ability to add recurring tasks. For instance, if you want to add a task that needs to be completed on a weekly basis, you cannot set it to show every week.
App Sound
Okay. The Google Tasks app is very noisy on Android. Every time you tap a task, there is a sound. I get it. When you complete a task, sound is necessary and that’s how it is in the Microsoft app. But, in Google Tasks, when you tap a task to edit it, it beeps every single time. I hope it’s a bug. And if it’s a feature, I really hope Google lets us disable it soon.
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Google did a nice job by introducing a separate app for tasks. Despite being the first version only, the app fares well against Microsoft To-Do. However, the lack of time-based reminders will be a major setback for many.
As of now, I will continue using the Microsoft To-do app. But I am hopeful Google will soon introduce a healthy bunch of features including themes. We will update the post then. Meanwhile, let us know which app you like.
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The built-in Calendar app on Mac is .. fine. Sometimes though, you need a few different features. That's where third-party calendars can be very useful. Check out my favorite calendar apps for the Mac and let us know which one suits you best.
Best overall: Fantastical 2
Fantastical 2 is a workhorse of a calendar app that can connect to your iCloud, Exchange, Google, Yahoo, fruux, and CalDAV accounts. It then imports all of your daily event information into one unified calendar, which can be displayed as a full month along with daily, weekly, or yearly options. You can also display a daily event list on the left side with detailed information on everything you've got going on today. Better still, Fantastical allows for custom calendar sets with specific accounts tagged in them, time zone support, and more.
All these features mean it comes with a $50 price tag, but the extra money's worth it.
Bottom line: Fantastical 2 is a robust, full-featured calendar with dozens of useful features for any and all productivity.
One more thing: It comes with a mini-calendar that sits in your Menu bar for quick access.
Why Fantastical 2 is the best
Does everything a calendar app should do!
Fantastical 2 works exactly the way a calendar app should work on your desktop: It's got a beautiful interface with customizable options for viewing daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly events. You can even set up customized calendar sets that only show certain events. Those different sets can be toggled to activate at different locations, too: When you get to work and open your laptop, you'll only see your work calendar, but when you take it home, you will only see your personal one.
When you select an event, you'll get the details, including a map for events with locations. You can also toggle between light or dark mode any time you like.
Fantastical's natural language event creation is where it shines. All you have to do is type out your phrasing as if you were talking, and Fantastical will automatically set dates, times, locations, and more for you. 'Have dinner at Morton's with mom tomorrow at 7' is transformed into an event, complete with location mapping.
Fantastical 2 works with a number of different calendar services, including iCloud, Google, Yahoo, and more. It also syncs with your Mac's built-in Reminders app so you can keep track of daily tasks while making sure you aren't late to any appointments.
Best Cal organizer: BusyCal 3
BusyCal 3 has a great setup feature: It automatically syncs up with the accounts you have stored in the Mail app on Mac. Any calendars you use with those email accounts will be updated in the BusyCal calendar. So, if you use Yahoo, iCloud, and Gmail, you'll be able to connect them all just by entering the account password when you open the app for the first time.
My favorite feature of BusyCal is the Smart Filter, which makes it possible for you to create rules for what events are shown. For example, you could set a filter that will only show you birthdays or only events that repeat. You can create multiple filters and then switch between them. It is ideal for keeping your calendar events organized.
Bottom line: If you have a lot of different types of events, or multiple calendars, BusyCal 3 will help you filter out what you don't need to look at right now so you can stay focused on what is important.
One more thing: There is a mini calendar that sits in your Menu bar so you can see a quick glance of the month ahead and current day's events without having to open the full app.
Best Cal companion: Calendar 2
Calendar 2 is a Menu bar widget. It stores all of your calendar information on the Menu bar so you can quickly access it. All you have to do is connect your Mac's built-in calendar and you're ready to go. Then, when you want to check your schedule, just click on the icon. You'll see a monthly view with dots next to dates that have events, plus a sidebar with a list of events taking place. If you want to see more details of an event, click on it to open your Mac Calendar app.
Bottom line: If you are happy with the built-in Calendar app on your Mac, but just want a different way to see what's on your schedule, check out Calendar 2.
One more thing: There is a premium upgrade that includes a lot more features, like the ability to connect your Google calendar and get cool looking backgrounds.
Best for productivity: Informant for macOS
Informant for the desktop is more than just a calendar app. It's a task manager and note taker, all rolled into a clear and concise calendar. You can organize your calendar to see your to-do list on the same screen as your schedule and tasks are combined with daily events.
You can keep your to-do list right on top of the screen with upcoming and completed tasks clearly identifiable. You can create tasks using either GTD, Franklin Covey, or Simple mode, making your lists work for you.
Filters allow you to hide events from specific calendars. You can have multiple filters saved in your favorites and switch between them at any time. It makes it easy to keep your work and home life separate.
Bottom line: If having your to-do list and calendar grouped together are important and your daily schedule is the top priority, Informant for macOS is for you.
One more thing: It features a tabbed interface so you can work in multiple task windows without making a mess on your screen.
Conclusion: Fantastical 2 is the best
When it comes to desktop support, Fantastical 2 wins the day. It's a straightforward app with a beautiful interface and plenty of customizable features. The mini calendar, which sits in your Menu bar, is perfect for checking upcoming events at a glance and you can add appointments without having to open the full app. The natural language event creation makes it easy for you to simply jot down what you need to do and when. Fantastical takes care of the rest for you. If you just lost Sunrise and are looking for a replacement, try Fantastical 2 for Mac.
March 2019: Updated pricing and links.
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